The Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund (CINSF) has been working to transition its services to a new administration platform. As part of this process all CINSF members will be issued with a new unique personal identification account number.
The new numbers will be system generated and start with the letter ‘NSF’ which stands for National Superannuation Fund, followed by 6 random system generated numbers.
The old e-benefits online portal for members has now been replaced with the new members online portal. Members will have to register for the new site using their new NSF account number. After registering on the new system members will be able to see their investment account, transactions, and a few new services.
The CINSF is in the process of preparing to deliver to all members their new NSF number with registration instructions for the new member portal. During this transition time if members would like access to the new portal, the CINSF office staff will be able to assist by providing members their NSF number to enable immediate access.
We would like to thank members for their patience whilst we continue to transition to the new administration platform.